Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Calumet and why A 13'6" truck will not fit under a 13' bridge

I went down to London this morning to the 70th birthday Open Day at Calumet, lots of very tempting things to play with including a rather spendy Hasselblad and some covetable Bowens portable strobe units

I comforted myself by buying a small stash of replacement modelling light bulbs for my current studio lights - I'd not noticed before that they do some ordinary ones at less at £2 each or some special long lasting ones for over £20 - will they really last 10 times longer ? I dont expect so in real use so I went for the cheap ones.

One the train on the way home just before Hitchin station I noticed that an express train on the adjacent fast line had slowed right down and was crawling along at the same speed as my train to the extent that I could pick up their wifi (thanks National Express trains).

The reason for this slow time became apparent when I walked out of Hitchin station to see that a container truck that was too tall had tried to go under the Cambridge Road bridge which carried the East Coast Mainline and had no doubt stopped very rapidly when the container hit the huge steel girder placed a few feet in front of the bridge to protect it in this very eventuality. This sudden stop also resulted in an  innocent van driver having a rather stoved in vehicle that would need a great deal of work with T-cut to restore

I took a couple of iPhone pics but decided to rush home and back to get a proper camera

Back on the scene tt took about an hour for the breakdown truck to arrive to take the van away and then the truck was reversed away from the bridge and went on its merry way to find a bridge of its own size to pick on.

When I got home again I quickly selected a handful of images, converted them to jpgs and then into newspaper sized images and fired them off to my local Archant paper The Comet

A few hours later and 3 (inc the story link on the front page) had been publisged on the Comet Newspaper online edition. I think this has missed the deadline for the print edition and by next week this will have been old news but it is nice to get a picture credit

A few images below

1 comment:

Sime said...

Well done on getting a credit! Always good to see your name in a paper.