Sunday, 16 January 2011

Doggy Weekend

So this has turned out to be a doggy picture weekend, yesterday I suggested that it was often possible to tell what a doggy was thinking.

Most doggies are a small set of well developed instincts, a waggy tail and  a cold wet nose all wrapped up in a very hair coat (10% of which seems to fall out on a given day).

One doggy in particular seems to be taken the doggy stereotype very much to heart and has made it his. 

I give you Antonella's dog Robbie although I seem to call him Robster much more these days

He is ruled by 4 things

  • His nose and what it can help him to find to put into his tummy*

  • His hatred of the postman and his desire to put the postman into his tummy**

  • His love of walks especially if he can try to find a skip lorry to attack (single paw'edly as the humans won't help him corner one and share the spoils contained within)***

  • and his love of his family, especially his boss who gave him a loving home after rather too long in doggy prison

and yes you can read his mind too, I'm sure he's thinking "get that camera out out of my face and don't tell the boss I'm trying to sleep on the sofa"

* never leave any thing that this doggy might consider to be a comestible within about 8 feet of the floor even though said doggy is only 4 feet tall on his hind legs

** Luckily the post box is only 3 feet off the floor and so postie fingers are tempting food

*** He's on his own trying to explain that one


Unknown said...

Awww, my Robster has a lovely photo and a blog post all about him....
Pity I'd have to smear the laptop with marmite for him to have a look...

He looks serene there, was it just after he had a go at the postman? :)

Unknown said...

I also love the focus on Robbie's nose as that is exactly what Robbie's focus is always on :))