Every photograph can tell a story, it is the job of the photographer to see that story in their minds-eye and to set about capturing it. The story could be about a 1st day at school, it could be the start of a happy married life through to being a story about why the consumer should buy your product be it a tin of delicious baked beans through to a tower crane.
Sometimes the story in the picture isn't complete and leaves the viewer wondering what is just out of shot or perhaps what they would look like if they lived in that luxury home.
Just what goes into that bottom letter box ? Maybe it is a dead letter drop for a spy, letters containing the details of the next assassination victim on the other side of the world who will be bumped off using some ingenious weapon dreamed up by Q and his team or could be it be as simple as a brass letter G not being available and it's just the usual junk mail & gas bills ?
Will we ever know ? probably not
Photography can tell your story, it can help you sell your product or help to capture precious memories - the story is up to you
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