Friday, 11 September 2009

Well I've only got just over a week sitting here and then the cold light of day will suddenly be shining on my life but hey ambient light is always good right ? Maybe I will need to supplement it with some flash

At the moment I feel like there are a whole lot of strands to Plan B that need to come together but currently are still floating around as ideas in my head, maybe it will all feel a bit more real on Monday 21st or alternatively it will feel like I have just jumped firmly out of the sausage cooking utensil into the flames

Time will tell, until then I will continue to write lists, lots of lists


Andrew said...

15 months ago the receivers appeared at the door of the company I worked for, and closed it. (The company, and then the door).

So with no planning I launched myself into the unknown. I decided I was not going to play corporate life anymore, and instead would would work the way I wanted to. No employer. No agencys. No managers. Find work myself and keep the clients happy. No forms, and anything that went wrong would be my fault.

I haven't regretted it yet.

Paul Davis said...


Thanks for the comment

What is it that you do ?